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CxAMxPnadVMjHxnKuz3e3UFcmR1LhAHDKufN2dbhfehtan3rewards address
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We pay back up to 24% of our commission. Our nominators get paid every time we get paid, even if your stake isn't active on our validator.

Aperture Mining: Rewards Program

We pay back up to 24% of our commission. Our nominators get paid every time we get paid, even if your stake isn't active on our validator.
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2024, 08:39 EDT
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2024, 12:39 UTC


Current TierNone
Last Bond (KSM)70.809887277629
Average Bond (KSM)70.2
Streak (Days)38
Streak (Eras)155
Era Started Nominating6209
Last Era Nominated6363
Validators Nominated1
Min Bond (KSM)69.5
Max Bond (KSM)70.809887277629

Era Validator Validator Commission Effective Bond Share Payback % Reward Payment Status
6341 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.220177806174 70.0682623917256 0.009957693778 6% 0.000131547790 PAID
6340 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.073623678857 70.0637734142954 0.009959163457 6% 0.000043993815 PAID
6339 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.048567224553 70.0592615109565 0.009958967391 6% 0.000029020764 PAID
6338 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.141750082738 70.0547471338159 0.009960951529 6% 0.000084717942 PAID
6337 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.028506720763 70.050297848997 0.009960672564 6% 0.000017036767 PAID
6336 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.022398217514 70.0458941011967 0.009960800706 6% 0.000013386251 PAID
6335 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.320949970039 70.0414976196014 0.009959094501 6% 0.000191782265 PAID
6334 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.186015553008 70.0373512112431 0.009960431805 6% 0.000111167714 PAID
6333 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.198920426852 70.0331406101597 0.009960181588 6% 0.000118877014 PAID
6332 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.021623856456 70.0288620961557 0.009960035723 6% 0.000012922463 PAID
6331 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.177264052624 70.0245140128183 0.000555000742 6% 0.000005902901 PAID
6330 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.002563930467 70.0200946494262 0.000554250716 6% 0.000000085264 PAID
6329 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.077832648926 70.0156022387052 0.000553538876 6% 0.000002585004 PAID
6224 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.084962614674 69.5490765513027 0.007377898321 1% 0.000006268455 PAID
6223 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.00265893741 69.5451563922781 0.001288201501 1% 0.000000034252 PAID
6222 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.070661550049 69.5415454173222 0.001264792348 1% 0.000000893722 PAID
6221 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.002114384579 69.5378458068927 0.001264870155 1% 0.000000026744 PAID
6220 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.19683494815 69.533544775835 0.001265511258 1% 0.000002490968 PAID
6219 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.14307712308 69.5299999482278 0.001279819395 1% 0.000001831129 PAID
6218 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.071320172632 69.5269253225744 0.001279939184 1% 0.000000912855 PAID
6217 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.146702578723 69.5238299940717 0.001280024667 1% 0.000001877829 PAID
6216 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.001605575281 69.5214941754703 0.001279920894 1% 0.000000020550 PAID
6215 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.130185883874 69.518510160384 0.001280058976 1% 0.000001666456 PAID
6214 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.002093728114 69.5163310390445 0.001280136639 1% 0.000000026803 PAID
6213 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.08870960945 69.5133155090326 0.001281363283 1% 0.000001136692 PAID
6212 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.002607285741 69.5106671910095 0.001281397571 1% 0.000000033410 PAID
6211 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.056856787559 69.506327028656 0.001281372845 1% 0.000000728547 PAID
6210 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.214975313494 69.5 0.001281861329 1% 0.000002755685 PAID
6209 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.246380468546 69.5 0.001283719916 1% 0.000003162835 PAID

📅 Changing your Payment Frequency

You can change your payment frequency by making a very small transfer from your stash address to G4tcsKpCWbNcQ3qzf3ddtfULRpZBSbEtdk2fvy1XTfixwSE

See common payment frequencies below:
0.000000000001 KSM = Recieve a payment Every Era
0.000000000002 KSM = Recieve a payment Every other Era
0.000000000004 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Day (every 4 eras) [Default]
0.000000000028 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Week (every 28 eras)
0.000000000120 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Month (every 120 eras) [minumum frequency]
0.000000000999 KSM = Recieve No Payments (opt out of rewards)

Example: If you want to get a reward payment once a week, send 0.000000000028 KSM to G4tcsKpCWbNcQ3qzf3ddtfULRpZBSbEtdk2fvy1XTfixwSE
Be sure to send the payment from your stash address. (your address listed on this site)