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We pay back up to 24% of our commission. Our nominators get paid every time we get paid, even if your stake isn't active on our validator.

Aperture Mining: Rewards Program

We pay back up to 24% of our commission. Our nominators get paid every time we get paid, even if your stake isn't active on our validator.
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2024, 01:37 EST
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2024, 06:37 UTC


Current TierFish
Last Bond (KSM)111893.615073981
Average Bond (KSM)111892.1
Streak (Days)0
Streak (Eras)2
Era Started Nominating7379
Last Era Nominated7380
Validators Nominated1
Min Bond (KSM)111890.503979077
Max Bond (KSM)111893.615073981

Era Validator Validator Commission Effective Bond Share Payback % Reward Payment Status
7380 APERTURE MINING 🎂 0.128623922736 9603.38811322194 0.487382053222 1% 0.000626889916 Pending
7379 APERTURE MINING 🎂 0.172612224101 8120.31006332494 0.445726007888 1% 0.000769377576 Pending
7313 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.1377625971 8097.97245574836 0.289712506381 1% 0.000399115473 Pending
7312 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.110140317475 7654.0414430719 0.278642175903 1% 0.000306897377 Pending
7311 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.114995979644 7651.66013325733 0.278973031399 1% 0.000320807770 Pending
7310 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.06939674697 7754.75093494301 0.282069755859 1% 0.000195747235 Pending
7263 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.052678361056 8283.04034629164 0.308033051217 1% 0.000162266763 Pending
7217 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.014499821272 9017.10956398951 0.363948621789 1% 0.000052771900 Pending
7079 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.09288037503 8902.21366909883 0.375023654587 1% 0.000348323377 Pending
7078 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.094717488278 8848.25853412692 0.373695341993 1% 0.000353954842 Pending
7077 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.182457622827 8855.49930526677 0.373985997461 1% 0.000682365961 Pending
7076 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.107495495473 8851.39846759773 0.373982152934 1% 0.000402013968 Pending
7075 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.077117863272 8900.65458699737 0.375395585428 1% 0.000289497054 Pending
7074 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.046839560442 8848.61391650377 0.374150042862 1% 0.000175250235 Pending
7073 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.071653934692 8848.81248330511 0.374313711471 1% 0.000268210502 Pending
7072 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.076360765542 8848.39099865309 0.374387136645 1% 0.000285884884 Pending
7071 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.038812957815 8846.43230755513 0.374419727662 1% 0.000145323371 Pending
7054 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.09910180694 8205.41370208629 0.358648611948 1% 0.000355427255 Pending
7039 APERTURE MINING 🎂 0.057665386006 8269.4031769619 0.402351550830 1% 0.000232017575 Pending
6937 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.115500483095 8611.31725478998 0.341181765565 1% 0.000394066587 Pending
6918 APERTURE MINING 🎂/03 0.101915191247 8264.77738340128 0.826296745352 1% 0.000842121908 Pending
6902 APERTURE MINING 🎂/03 0.099610068106 8371.48328210678 0.827964634915 1% 0.000824736137 Pending
6837 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.012814887104 8183.49753339956 0.447145033454 1% 0.000057301131 Pending
6816 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.105091880467 8240.35429534335 0.450738821034 1% 0.000473689903 Pending
6803 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.056238192613 8616.02650873833 0.466273110595 1% 0.000262223570 Pending
6794 APERTURE MINING 🎂/03 0.013996102756 8213.65878901509 0.976937983890 1% 0.000136733244 Pending
6736 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.033756819722 8540.22855417197 0.473233284260 1% 0.000159748507 Pending
6725 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.022627698674 9387.81236091201 0.498279336912 1% 0.000112749147 Pending
6684 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.074681303451 8163.4435190987 0.469323966968 1% 0.000350497256 Pending
6659 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.119172323922 7473.17815392763 0.462194028967 1% 0.000550807365 Pending
6647 APERTURE MINING 🎂/03 0.155597120473 9161.02339662893 0.988409700014 1% 0.001537937032 Pending
6588 APERTURE MINING 🎂/03 0.13523040447 8157.84336003115 0.979652490130 1% 0.001324788025 Pending
6587 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.084035165593 8188.28683684974 0.479117140048 3% 0.001207880646 Pending
6587 APERTURE MINING 🎂/03 0.110179403346 8188.57790765003 0.979732020082 3% 0.003238388682 Pending
6586 APERTURE MINING 🎂/03 0.058094668985 8996.34610283291 0.981522547239 3% 0.001710636824 Pending
6449 APERTURE MINING 🎂/02 0.001581793928 7485.1854016642 0.484298700073 1% 0.000007660607 Pending
6441 APERTURE MINING 🎂 0.10348356928 7519.50566849005 0.237898822989 1% 0.000246186193 Pending
6440 APERTURE MINING 🎂 0.033544781932 7534.43668374727 0.238309644134 1% 0.000079940450 Pending
6415 APERTURE MINING 🎂 0.132234932721 7654.7474063495 0.058054251771 1% 0.000076768001 PAID

📅 Changing your Payment Frequency

You can change your payment frequency by making a very small transfer from your stash address to G4tcsKpCWbNcQ3qzf3ddtfULRpZBSbEtdk2fvy1XTfixwSE

See common payment frequencies below:
0.000000000001 KSM = Recieve a payment Every Era
0.000000000002 KSM = Recieve a payment Every other Era
0.000000000004 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Day (every 4 eras) [Default]
0.000000000028 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Week (every 28 eras)
0.000000000120 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Month (every 120 eras) [minumum frequency]
0.000000000999 KSM = Recieve No Payments (opt out of rewards)

Example: If you want to get a reward payment once a week, send 0.000000000028 KSM to G4tcsKpCWbNcQ3qzf3ddtfULRpZBSbEtdk2fvy1XTfixwSE
Be sure to send the payment from your stash address. (your address listed on this site)