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CxAMxPnadVMjHxnKuz3e3UFcmR1LhAHDKufN2dbhfehtan3rewards address
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We pay back up to 24% of our commission. Our nominators get paid every time we get paid, even if your stake isn't active on our validator.

Aperture Mining: Rewards Program

We pay back up to 24% of our commission. Our nominators get paid every time we get paid, even if your stake isn't active on our validator.
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2024, 08:10 EST
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2024, 13:10 UTC


Current TierNoob
Last Bond (KSM)14.362131712384
Average Bond (KSM)14.3
Streak (Days)6
Streak (Eras)26
Era Started Nominating7356
Last Era Nominated7381
Validators Nominated1
Min Bond (KSM)14.333849586262
Max Bond (KSM)14.362131712384

Era Validator Validator Commission Effective Bond Share Payback % Reward Payment Status
7380 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.06630292772 14.3440171141222 0.000175651144 2% 0.000000232924 Pending
7379 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.065618536239 14.3434655734775 0.000188621701 2% 0.000000247542 Pending
7378 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.12577504081 14.3428660727768 0.000210292755 1% 0.000000264496 PAID
7377 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.074386076662 14.3422120720124 0.000212688103 1% 0.000000158210 PAID
7376 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.061441104395 14.3415408581557 0.000212695181 1% 0.000000130682 PAID
7375 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.114437285389 14.3410774557446 0.000210259152 1% 0.000000240615 PAID
7374 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.074072904329 14.3405652741325 0.000217036401 1% 0.000000160765 PAID
7373 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.088683164737 14.3399961834523 0.000217005313 1% 0.000000192447 PAID
7372 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.12503078639 14.3393601409274 0.000216601718 1% 0.000000270819 PAID
7371 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.092312519159 14.3389551089111 0.000217156016 1% 0.000000200462 PAID
7370 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.107336732378 14.3384960726259 0.000214737781 1% 0.000000230493 PAID
7369 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.112241638359 14.3379714597286 0.000214690774 1% 0.000000240972 PAID
7368 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.092990326902 14.3373661371548 0.000214689601 1% 0.000000199641 PAID
7367 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.036130690622 14.3369645313374 0.000214334401 1% 0.000000077440 PAID
7366 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.15009253694 14.3365868187095 0.000212737405 1% 0.000000319303 PAID
7365 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.110472140033 14.3361335635559 0.000211216238 1% 0.000000233335 PAID
7364 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.000502816243 14.3355795850349 0.000211408300 1% 0.000000001063 PAID
7363 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.04607478235 14.3352664658536 0.000211276897 1% 0.000000097345 PAID
7362 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.079695912642 14.3348638840491 0.000211263871 1% 0.000000168369 PAID
7361 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.007185281776 14.3344412599712 0.000212619255 1% 0.000000015277 PAID
7360 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.07065057069 14.333849586262 0.000212600259 1% 0.000000150203 PAID
7359 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.072005565093 14.333849586262 0.000212604784 1% 0.000000153087 PAID
7358 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.011099412117 14.333849586262 0.000211704573 1% 0.000000023498 PAID
7357 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.028708284633 14.333849586262 0.000210655060 1% 0.000000060475 PAID
7356 APERTURE MINING 🎂/01 0.0734515828 14.333849586262 0.000210995323 1% 0.000000154979 PAID

📅 Changing your Payment Frequency

You can change your payment frequency by making a very small transfer from your stash address to G4tcsKpCWbNcQ3qzf3ddtfULRpZBSbEtdk2fvy1XTfixwSE

See common payment frequencies below:
0.000000000001 KSM = Recieve a payment Every Era
0.000000000002 KSM = Recieve a payment Every other Era
0.000000000004 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Day (every 4 eras) [Default]
0.000000000028 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Week (every 28 eras)
0.000000000120 KSM = Recieve a payment Once a Month (every 120 eras) [minumum frequency]
0.000000000999 KSM = Recieve No Payments (opt out of rewards)

Example: If you want to get a reward payment once a week, send 0.000000000028 KSM to G4tcsKpCWbNcQ3qzf3ddtfULRpZBSbEtdk2fvy1XTfixwSE
Be sure to send the payment from your stash address. (your address listed on this site)